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pandemonium n. 群魔殿;地獄;極混亂
OED: Utter confusion, uproar; wild and noisy disorder; a tumult; chaos.
--> Wild tumult; disorder on a grand scale
Ex: Pandemonium broke out..when a Michael Jackson look-a-like was confronted by fans, bringing traffic to a standstill. (Independent 1988)

panegyric n. 讚揚、推崇稱頌詞;追思文
OED: A public speech or published text in praise of a person or thing; a laudatory discourse; a eulogy, an encomium.
--> Tribute; speeh of praise
Ex: He did the honor of speaking the panegyric at his friend's funeral.

arterial adj. 動脈的;動脈狀的
OED: of a main road or line of transport or communication: having or serving as a main channel of communication with many branches.
--> Related to tubes carrying blood; serving as a major carrier, channel or throughfare
Ex: To think that the internet is a series of arterial tubes is wrong.

nemesis n. 報應
OED: An unavoidable consequence of (or occas. for) a specified activity or behaviour; an inevitable penalty or price.
--> Deserved punishment or its source; anyone or anything that always seems certain to defeat or frustrate
Ex: The young clergyman suspected his friend himself, and was trying in vain to avert from him the Nemesis that his crime deserved. (Macaulay 1920 Potterism)

nepotism n. 偏袒;起用親戚
OED: The showing of special favour or unfair preference to a relative in conferring a position, job, privilege, etc.
--> Favortism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments
Ex: "Nepotism was considered not a vice, but a family duty" is true up to now.

niggardly adj. 吝嗇小氣的
OED: Mean, parsimonious, stingy; unwilling to part with, spend, or use up anything.
--> Not generous; stingy
Ex: They came..well provided with admiration..and no niggardly proportion was now dealt out to his fair cousins. (Jane Austen 1811 Sense and Sensibility)

noisome adj. 有害;有毒;惡臭的
OED: Offensive to the sense of smell; foul-smelling; unpleasant, offensive.
--> Harmful; offensive to smell; disgusting
Ex: His blind and aged father..lay in a noisome dungeon, while he enjoyed the free air. (Mary Shelley 1818 Frankenstein)

habiliment n. 衣服、服裝,制服
OED: The apparel, vestments, or garments appropriate to any office or occasion. Applied also, jocularly or grandiloquently, to ordinary clothes.
--> clothing; garb; attire.
Ex: My riches, are these poore habiliments. (Shakespeare 1591 Two Gentlemen)

hackneyed adj. 不新奇;陳腐的
OED: Used so frequently and indiscriminately as to have lost its freshness and interest; made trite and commonplace; stale
--> commonplace; trite; overused
Ex: Hackneyed expressions in wiritng are like cliches.

haggard adj. 憔悴的;野性的
OED: Wild-looking; in early use applied esp. to the ‘wild’ expression of the eyes, afterwards to the injurious effect upon the countenance of privation, want of rest, fatigue, anxiety, terror, or worry.
--> Wasted or gaunt in appearance
Ex: Thin, haggard, and hollow-eyed; like a sitter up at night. (Charlotte Bronte 1853)

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