“Moon so bright, night so fine,
Keep your heart here with mine.
Life’s a dream: We are dreaming.”
—Mark Anthony & Tina Arena “I Want to Spend my Lifetime Loving You”
我想起大一才剛進政大英文系的模樣,做事慌慌張張、跌跌撞撞的新生一枚,才開學四天學生證就被一個扒手偷走,想參加社團迎新卻記錯集合時間(與地點),西概課暈倒嚇死了老師同學,甚麼都想做卻步步都出錯,現在想想當時簡直呆死了、幼稚得可以! 而我都一直專心於過我自己雜亂無章的生活,忘記了「我們」都在過一個全新的生活。
“So everyday goes by
And everyday I fall
It makes me wonder why,
My life's worth nothing without you”
—Phil Collins “Everyday”
這一次去宜蘭真得是暑假開始以來第一次的大解放,沒有甚麼壓力,沒有必須做甚麼,也沒有既定的行程規劃,就是being somewhere other than my life, together。我們一起在雪山隧道塞車、太陽曬到昏、淋雨淋到全身濕、夜市排隊20分鐘到40分鐘就為了吃小吃、三國殺又閃又桃、慶生、喝啤酒、玩團康、裝睡聽八卦(其實我真得不是有意裝睡...)…這種生活哪裡找? 又心裡一直問,大家口中也一直念: 天啊,大學四年怎都不懂得這樣玩?
“Think of me,
Think of me fondly when we’ve said goodbye
Remember me, once in a while
Please promise me you’ll try.”
—Phantom of the Opera “Think of me”
曾想寫一點回顧大學的東西,寫了不知道多少篇卻沒有一篇能真得寫出百分之一想說的話,有沒有那麼多話想說,卻卡在喉嚨硬吞下去的感覺? 每每想到之前在一起瘋話劇、讀文學、參加系上各種活動、一起出去玩的日子,雖是甜蜜歡樂的回憶,但想想還是忍不住泛淚: 那種日子已經是過去了、回不去,而大四之前身在其中,除了快樂與幸福感,幾乎對它的珍貴、不可取代是無知無覺的。
Not all the water in the world could quench my thirst in parting. I miss our life like a caged bird misses the wind and rain, and each gathering is the sun upon a lonely blossom.
Back to my life, yet every night I shall dream of you, of our life, until memories lull me to tranquility.
For the Purpose of...
Writing. For the sake of the world.
- Jul 26 Mon 2010 10:29
Our Life