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OED Oxford English Dictionary
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prevaricate v. 支吾其詞;說謊
OED: To deviate, go astray, transgress; to depart from a course of action considered to be right or correct.
--> To evade the truth, to lie
Ex: Truth means nothing to the prevaricator as long as he achieves his means.

gregarious adj. 群居的;愛社交的
Gregarious sheep
OED: Of classes or species of animals: Living in flocks or communities, given to association with others of the same species. Of persons: Inclined to associate with others, fond of company.
--> Living in groups, sociable
Ex: Sheep are generally gregarious animals

ostracize v. 放逐;排斥
OED: To banish; to exclude from favour, or from a society or group; to refuse to speak to or acknowledge.
--> Banished; excluded; shut out
Ex: Your newspapers..denounced and ostracised hundreds of good men. (John Bright 1853)

officious adj. 愛發命令的;好忠告的;過度殷勤的
OED: Unduly forward in offering one's services, or in taking business upon oneself; doing, or prone to do, more than is asked or required; interfering, intrusive. In later use esp. inclined to assert authority in a self-important or pompous way, esp. with regard to petty or trivial matters.
--> Forcing one's service or attention upon another; overly meddlesome or attentive
Ex: I waited for him in two streets until an officious person chanced along and threatened to take me before the Arcade. (Winston Churchill 1904)

stilted adj. (文章、談話)不自然的;誇張的
OED:Of (or in reference to) language or style artificially or affectedly lofty; unnaturally elevated; formally pompous.
--> Stiffly formal; pompous
Ex: You are taken in by that false, stilted, trashy style. (Lord Byron 1820)

insidious adj. 隱藏詭計的;狡詐的
OED:Full of wiles or plots; lying in wait or seeking to entrap or ensnare; proceeding or operating secretly or subtly so as not to excite suspicion; sly, treacherous, deceitful, underhand, artful, cunning, crafty, wily.
--> Progressing harmfully but hardly noticed; deceitful in a subtle way; wily; treacherous
Ex: A false, insidious Tongue, may whisper a Lye so close, and low. (Richard South 1692)

insouciance n. 漫不經心的
OED: Carelessness, indifference, unconcern.
--> Lack of concern; the state of being lighthearted or carefree
Ex: Farewell the sweet insouciance of lettered ease. (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1847)

interstice n. 細裂縫;空隙
OED: An intervening space (usually, empty); esp. a relatively small or narrow space, between things or the parts of a body (freq. in pl., the minute spaces between the ultimate parts of matter); a narrow opening, chink, or crevice.
--> Narrow spaces between things, small gaps
Ex: They were careful to fill in all the interstices.

intransigent adj. 不妥協的
OED: That refuses to come to terms or make any compromise (in politics); uncompromising, irreconcilable.
--> Refusing to come to terms; uncompromising; unyielding; one who acts in such a manner.
Ex: Christian XVI. is a king of intransigent principles, a king with a faith in his providential mission; zealous, rigid, narrow. (Speaker 1894)

intrepid adj. 無畏的;剛毅的
OED: Of persons and personal qualities, fearless; undaunted; daring; brave
--> Fearless; dauntless
Ex: That quality [valour], which signifies no more than an intrepid courage. (Dryden 1697)


foment v. 煽動;助長
OED: To promote the growth, development, effect, or spread of (something material or physical).
--> To arouse; to cause; to incite
Ex: How we his gather'd beams Reflected, may with matter sere foment. (Milton 1667 Paradise Lost)

fortuitous adj. 偶然發生的,巧合的;幸運的
OED: That happens or is produced by fortune or chance; accidental, casual.
--> Happening by chance; accidental
Ex: His sudden wealth was a fortuitous occurence, in winning the lottery.

aphorism n. 格言
OED: Any principle or precept expressed in few words; a short pithy sentence containing a truth of general import; a maxim.
--> A terse saying embodying the truth; an adage; a maxim
Ex: Is not thy common talk sound aphorisms? (Marlowe 1590 Faustus)

aplomb n. 沉著,鎮靜
OED: Assurance, confidence, self-possession, coolness.
--> self assurance; self confidence; self possession; poise
Ex: If the speaker was nervous she didn't show it, facing the audience with aplomb

maudlin adj. 感情脆弱的;愛哭的
OED: Characterized by shallow sentimentality; mawkishly emotional; weakly sentimental.
--> Overly sentimental; emotionally silly
Ex: The play was intentionally maudlin instead of serious.

apocryphal adj. 假冒的,虛假的
OED: Of doubtful authenticity; spurious, fictitious, false; fabulous, mythical.
--> Of uncertain authenticity; suspect; spurious
Ex: If but one word be true..In all th' apocryphal romance. (Alban Butler 1678)

appurtenance n. 附屬部件
OED: A thing which naturally and fitly forms a subordinate part of, or belongs to, a whole system; a contributory adjunct, an accessory.
--> Things added to a more important thing; supplementary equipment; accessories
Ex: The appurtenance of Welcome is Fashion and Ceremony. (Shakespeare 1602 Hamlet)

arabesque n. 蔓藤圖飾
Tomb of Hafez arabesque design
OED: A species of mural or surface decoration in colour or low relief, composed in flowing lines of branches, leaves, and scroll-work fancifully intertwined.
--> A gracefully elaborate design with interwoven lines; such a form in ballet or music
Ex: Not Art but Nature..carved this graceful arabesque of vines. (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1880)

archaic adj. 已廢的;古老的
OED:Marked by the characteristics of an earlier period; old-fashioned, primitive, antiquated.
--> Of an earlier or primitive time; ancient; no longer in popular use; outdated
Ex: The first two Egyptian dynasties are usually referred to as the ‘Archaic period’. (Lloyd 1961)

archipelago n. 群島;多島海
Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha
OED: Any sea, or sheet of water, in which there are numerous islands; (引申) a group of islands.
--> A sea with many islands; such a group of islands
Ex: These broken lands and Islands being very many in number, do seeme to make there an Archipelagus. (Richard Haluyt 1600)

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