單字日記 1/26
spurious adj. 假的;偽造的
OED: Superficially resembling or simulating, but lacking the genuine character or qualities of, something; not true or genuine; false, sham, counterfeit
Ex: Historians try to decifer the historical truth from spurious ducumentation.
squalid adj. 污穢骯髒的
OED: Foul through neglect or want of cleanliness; repulsively mean and filthy
Ex: The Redcrosse knight entered the squalid den of Errour, newly slain.
ebullient adj. 精力充沛的
OED: Gushing forth like boiling water; bubbling over, overflowing, enthusiastic.
Ex: Our play director is always ebullient, full of vigor and ready for rehearsal.
edict n. 法令,命令
OED: That which is proclaimed by authority as a rule of action; an order issued by a sovereign to his subjects; an ordinance or proclamation having the force of law
Ex: When the king issues an edict, all (except criminals) will obey.
edify v. 陶冶啟發
OED: To inform, instruct; to improve in a moral sense
Ex: A teacher's purpose is to edify their pupil in correct pursuit of knowledge.
staid adj. 穩重沉著的
OED: Settled in character; of grave or sedate deportment; dignified and serious in demeanour or conduct; free from flightiness or caprice.
Ex: Even in facing his enemy, he spoke calmly, his voice staid his attitude courteous.
stentorian adj. 極響亮的
OED: Loud, like that of Stentor; very loud and far-reaching; hence, of uttered sounds, song, laughter and the like.
Ex: His stentorian voice intensified over the microphone throbbed my earbuds.
precocious adj. 早熟的
OED: Of, relating to, or indicative of precocity or premature development; occurring prematurely.
Ex: Early age trauma made the girl seem precocious in mind.
deviation n. 背離;越軌
OED: Divergence from any course, method, rule, standard, etc.; with a and pl., an instance of this.
Ex: Let not weak mind cause deviation from the just path.
devoid n. 沒有;毫無
OED: Empty, void, destitute (of some attribute); entirely without or wanting.
Ex: A murderer is devoid of a heart.
diaphanous adj. 精緻的;透明的
OED: Permitting the free passage of light and vision; perfectly transparent; pellucid.
Ex: The diaphanous dress aroused the interest of male courtiers...
diatribe n. 書面或口語猛烈抨擊
OED: A dissertation or discourse directed against some person or work; a bitter and violent criticism; an invective.
Ex: The Pope's fierce diatribe against Henry VIII did not stop the erecting of the Church of England.
didactic adj. 教導的
OED: Having the character or manner of a teacher or instructor; characterized by giving instruction; having the giving of instruction as its aim or object; instructive, preceptive.
Ex: Fables are meant not only to be entertaining, but also didactic.
reticent adj. 安靜沉默的(形容人)
OED: Reserved; disinclined to speak freely; given to silence or concealment.
Ex: Students musn't be reticent in class, rather actively participate in discussion.
retrench v. 節省;使經濟
OED: To reduce, curtail (one's expenses, etc.) by the exercise of economy.
Ex: If the factory does not retrench on costs, cash flows will be negative.
dilatory adj. 慢吞吞的;拖延的
OED: Given to or characterized by delay; slow, tardy.
Ex: The snail is the most dilatory of all creatures.
dilettante adj. 業餘;非專業的
OED: A lover of the fine arts; originally, one who cultivates them for the love of them rather than professionally, and so = amateur as opposed to professional; but in later use generally applied more or less depreciatively to one who interests himself in an art or science merely as a pastime and without serious aim or study (‘a mere dilettante’).
Ex: The duke is a mere dilittante of sculptures: the pours money on them, but spends no time to understand them.
dimunution n. 縮小的
OED: The action of diminishing or making less; the process of diminishing or becoming less; reduction in magnitude or degree; lessening, decrease.
Ex: Chaucer was concerned with the increase and diminution of the English language.
anathema n. 被詛咒的人(宗教上)
OED: The formal act, or formula, of consigning to damnation.
Ex: Faust was declared an anathema after selling his soul to the devil.
animadversion n. 苛責;批評
OED: The utterance of criticism, usually of a hostile kind; censure, reproof, blame.
Ex: The animadversion of the lawyers at court made the accused feel degraded.
For the Purpose of...
Writing. For the sake of the world.
- Jan 31 Sun 2010 15:35