




verbatim adj. 逐字的、照字面的
OED: Word for word; in the exact words
Ex: Actors follow the play script verbatim.

verbiage adj. 冗長的,囉唆的
OED: Wording of a superabundant or superfluous character, abundance of words without necessity or without much meaning; excessive wordiness.
Ex: Verbiage is my weakness, yet how I hope I can practice conciseness.

polyglot adj. 通曉多語言的
OED: Characterized by a multiplicity of (native) languages; involving the use of several languages, or elements of several languages; multilingual.
Ex: Most Europeans are polyglot, understanding at least four languages.

exorbitant adj.過分、過度的
OED: Exceeding ordinary or proper bounds. Going to excess in any action or quality. Now with stronger sense: Grossly or flagrantly excessive.
Ex: Exorbitant love and feelings of romance often lead to unnecessary harm.

verdant adj. 青蔥翠綠的
verdant land
OED: Green with vegetation; characterized by abundance of verdure.
Ex: Streames of purple bloud new dies the verdant fields. (Spenser 1590 Faerie Queene)

modicum n. 少量
OED: A small quantity or portion; a moderate or limited amount.
Ex: And yet where am I to search for my modicum of lustful fulfillment?

monograph n. 專題論文
OED: a detailed written study of a single specialized topic
Ex: By a Monograph we understand a complete account of any one family, tribe, or genus, nothing being neglected which is necessary for a perfect knowledge of it.

descry v. 遠遠看到、望見
OED: To catch sight of, esp. from a distance, as the scout or watchman who is ready to announce the enemy's approach; to espy.
Ex: From afar he descried the little fellow on two sweet wings, holding a bow that would wound the heart.

discursive adj. 散漫;無層次
OED: Passing rapidly or irregularly from one subject to another; rambling, digressive; extending over or dealing with a wide range of subjects.
Ex: Heart-affluence in discursive talk From household fountains never dry. (Tennyson 1850 In Memoriam)

disparity n. 不同的;不均等的
OED: The quality or state of being of unequal rank, condition, circumstances, etc.; inequality or dissimilarity in respect of age, amount, number, or quality; want of parity or equality.
Ex: Disparity separated the lovers of Titanic.


shibboleth n. 陳舊語句
OED: A custom, habit, mode of dress, or the like, which distinguishes a particular class or set of persons.
Ex: Shibboleth is the Hebrew word used by Jephthah as a test-word by which to distinguish the fleeing Ephraimites who could not pronounce the 'sh'.

sinecure n. 掛名差事;閒職
OED: Any office or position which has no work or duties attached to it, esp. one which yields some stipend or emolument.
Ex: The idle manager holds a sinecure, merely giving out orders and raking in a high salary.

dissemble v. 隱藏、掩飾
OED: To alter or disguise the semblance of (one's character, a feeling, design, or action) so as to conceal, or deceive as to, its real nature; to give a false or feigned semblance to; to cloak or disguise by a feigned appearance.
Ex: He could not dissemble his feeling of excitement to step on stage.

skittish adj. 輕浮的;輕佻的
OED: Characterized by levity, frivolity, or excessive liveliness.
Ex: His speech was skittish and unsuitable for such serious occassion.

soiree n. 晚宴或慶祝會
OED: An evening party, gathering, or social meeting.
Ex: The soiree after the performance washed away all their sweat and tiredness.

solicitous adj. 熱切的;掛念的
OED: Troubled, anxious, or deeply concerned, on some specified account.
Ex: Children are often impatient with the solicitous warnings from parents.

disseminate v. 散佈、傳播
OED: To spread abroad, diffuse, promulgate (opinions, statements, knowledge, etc.)
Ex: The news of the scandal disseminated throughout the campus as rumors.

dissenter n. 反對者;持異議者
OED: One who dissents in any matter: one who disagrees with any opinion, resolution, or proposal; a dissentient.
Ex: The wanderer was a dissenter of all religions: his only belief was himself.

dissonant adj. 不和諧;不一致
OED: Out of agreement, accordance, or harmony, in any respect; disagreeing, incongruous, discordant, at variance, different.
Ex: The dissonant notes sung by the choir caused the audience great discomfort.

somnambulist n. 夢遊者

OED: one who walks, etc., while asleep
Ex: The somnambulist roamed through the city, to the lake and back during his sleep.


divulge v. 洩漏;透露
OED: To declare or tell openly (something private or secret); to disclose, reveal.
Ex: How could you divulge the secret to such a deceitful and untrustworthy person?

spasmodic adj. 痙攣的;間歇性的
OED: Occurring or proceeding by fits and starts; irregular, intermittent; not sustained or kept up.
Ex: Learning requires continuous effort and not spasmodic passion.

specious adj. 似是而非;華而不實
OED: Fair, attractive, or plausible, but wanting in genuineness or sincerity.
Ex: Hearts are easily deceived by specious speech and pretty words.

focalization n. 重點;專注點
Definition: The act or action of focusing or concentrating; location of concentrated attention
Ex: My focalization last semester was on the Medieval and Renaissance literature.

dogma n. 教條;信條
OED: The body of opinion formulated or authoritatively stated; systematized belief; tenets or principles collectively; doctrinal system.
Ex: Belief is one thing, but accepting the dogma of the religion is another.

dromedary n. 單峰駱駝
OED: A light and fleet breed of the camel, specially reared and trained for riding.
Ex: The dromedary can travel accross the dessert quickly with little water.

ductile adj. 易拉長的;易變形的
OED: Flexible, pliant; capable of being moulded or shaped; plastic.
Ex: If that person were more ductile, our discussion would go faster.

dulcet adj. 美妙的
Queen of the Night
OED: Sweet to the eye, ear, or feelings; pleasing, agreeable; soothing, gentle. Now chiefly of sounds.
Ex: The dulcet tone of the soprano's voice was most enchanting.

duplicity adj. 欺騙;口是心非
OED: the character or practice of acting in two ways at different times, or openly and secretly; deceitfulness, double-dealing.
Ex: Honesty brings people together while duplicity scatters.

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sporadic adj. 不定時發生的
OED: Appearing, happening, etc., now and again or at intervals; occasional.
Ex: Sporadic rain pours like tears during spring, wetting the petals before they have a chance to dry.

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